Weekly Spending: April 15-21, 2015

Weekly Spending April 15

This was a goooooood week for my wallet.

Okay, so I probably have a few too many splurge-purchases this week. I bought lunch at work too many times. I bought tickets to a show at an exorbitant price, but for one of my favorite artists to see live, I know it’s worth every cent. That $13 ride to work was due to mismanaging my time (read: hitting snooze too many times) and missing my bus. Not letting that one happen again!

I spent $94.51 on budgeted expenses, which is pretty low. No grocery shopping was needed after that massive haul last week. I washed my car, bought some hair care necessities, and purchased a few picture frames for the new place (under my “furniture” category).

Okay, let’s talk about that sweet, sweet green category. This category is basically anything that betters my financial situation, whether it’s income or paying off debt. Green means good. I made a few returns of things I had bought with some birthday money (ahem, two pairs of shoes I had yet to wear 6 weeks later) which brought in a lovely amount of $229.91. I mentioned my rental deposit in my post about April’s budget, but I couldn’t really add it to the number because I was uncertain when I would get it or how much it would be. Well, I’m pleased to say I got the full deposit back this week! I had to meet the landlord at a nightclub at 11:00 on Friday night but I got it, and that brought in $675.00.

Lastly, the big kahuna: I sold my car. It only took a day and a single interested party to make it happen. I was happy to let it go (and yes, I disclosed its issues in full to the buyer). In all honesty, I probably could have gotten more money for it than $2,500.00 (it was listed for $2,900 and is valued closer to $3,300) but I didn’t want to deal with the rigmarole of it all, and this buyer was great to deal with, and after enough time working with people I know not everyone is that way. So I was happy to let it go for $2,500.00.

This week I only spent $257.97. About 63% of that went to splurges (eep!) and 37% went toward things I budgeted for. I brought in $3,400 in extra income this week, which totally rules. I plan to take $3,000 of this and just stick it in savings for a while. I’d love to use to tackle my debt faster, but I don’t think that’s the best choice for me. I have no car right now, and while I don’t have immediate plans to buy a new one, I’d like to keep my options open. So this money will be waiting for me whenever I decide to use it; could be a few months, could be a year. I don’t know, but it feels good to have some security.

What would you do with an extra $3,000?

One thought on “Weekly Spending: April 15-21, 2015

  1. Pingback: April 2015 Budget Closing « From Shopaholic to Minimalist

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